Informācija veiksmīgam sacensību rītam: 1. Ierodoties - vispirms treileru parkā (sk. servisa parka shēmu) atstājat treileri, tad ar sporta auto dodaties uz servisa parku un administratīvo pārbaudi 2. Uz administratīvo pārbaudi ierodamies vismaz 15 min pirms paredzētā laika - būs jāaizpilda pieteikuma forma! 3. Administratīvajā pārbaudē katrai ekipāžai ir konkrēts galds, ko var redzēt administratīvās pārbaudes grafikā - ekipāžas kolonnā "Ekipāža 1" dodas pie galda ar numuru "1", utt. Veiksmīgas sacensības, tiekamies jau rītdien! Information for a successful morning of the event: 1. When arriving, first go to the trailer park (see service park scheme) and leave the trailer there. Then come to the service park and administrative checks with your race car 2. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled administrative checks time - you will have to fill in the entry form! 3. In administrative checks, each crew has been assigned a table, which you can see in the administrative checks schedule - crews in column "Crew 1" need to go to the table with number "1", etc. Good luck in the event, see you tomorrow!
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