I have driven stages 1, 2 and 3 today (Sunday, February 4, 2024) and here is what I found (with the disclaimer that today is SUNDAY and the rally isn't until FRIDAY and things may change between now and then):
Stage 1 starts clear and clean with no snow, no ice, no mud. Going around the lake we start to see patches of slick, muddy surface but, in general, the road is in excellent shape! The Avery Lake portion is even cleaner and faster. The Orchard section has a few icy spots but nothing that should affect your tire choice.
Stage 2 - what a hoot! It starts off on dirt with some ice, then quickly degrades to ice, snow, mud and/or dirt until we get to the portion (after Halberg) which hasn't been plowed! 6-8" of hard packed snow with a couple of tracks to guide you along! This clears up for the spectator area on Hunt Creek and, believe it or not, for Eberly until the turn onto Blue Lakes where it returns to an unplowed state and is a hoot to drive! Eventually this clears up but it remains icy and muddy until the finish.
Stage 3 varies between ice and mud for most of its length with an occasional sippy hole to exercise the windshield wipers.
So, a real mixed bag of road surfaces which, in my mind, makes for a much more interesting rally then just snow or just ice or just dirt. But, this is only Sunday. What will the expected warm (for Michigan) weather this week do to these stages?
Bob Martin
Clerk of the Course
2024 Sno*Drift Rally
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