For anyone travelling to/from the event by any means other than the Oban-Craignure route, please note the following travel information: - The Corran Ferry is currently operating on a foot passenger only basis, and scheduled to return to a vehicle ferry service on Sunday 15th October, but this MAY change - please keep an eye on the Highland Council news feeds for the latest updates. - Currently, vehicles attempting to access the Lochaline-Fishnish ferry, are required to divert via Fort William and the A830/A861 around Loch Eil, adding ~1hr to some journey times. Also note that the A861 around Loch Eil is subject to a temporary 40mph limit, with Police Scotland monitoring compliance. Please factor this diversion into your journey plans. - Additionally, the Kilchoan-Tobermory ferry is currently operating on a foot passenger only basis, therefore the Lochaline-Fishnish route is currently the only 'turn up' vehicle service to/from the Isle of Mull. Please keep an eye on CalMac feeds for the latest updates. Please also note that the Argyll & Bute area has been subject to significant rainfall and disruption over the weekend of 7th-8th October. While the majority of routes are now open, we recommend checking Traffic Scotland information prior to travel. In all cases, please consult the operators or agencies for the latest information, as well as
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