Hello all,
There are a couple of things I would like to relay regarding information about the RSLite app. Please make sure you review this info and ARA Bulletin 2023-5 before you arrive at check in. You MUST have data active on the phone while tracking and it cannot be in airplane mode.
***The speed limit shown on the app will include the 5MPH buffer allowed within the ARA rules. So, the speed limit for the stages is 30MPH and the app will show 35MPH. This means, if the app shows you as speeding, you are WITHIN the range to which penalties may be applied. ***
-Most of the issues we have seen with the app are due to an outdated version being used. Make sure you have automatic updates on and that you are using the latest version of the app. The newest version for Apple and Android is 1.9.1.
-Be prepared to have the app checked when you arrive at check in. We will be making sure the most recent version of the app is in use to minimize issues.
-You will receive the unique log in code when you check in to the event.
-We have received questions regarding the app data usage. When being used, expect approximately 0.2MB of data usage per hour.
-To start tracking, you are required to be in cell service. Make sure to start tracking before going out on the stages, as connection can be spotty.
-The app will only be operating/tracking if it is active on the screen. It does not operate in the background. When you are on the stages, the app must be active on screen.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact Preston at [email protected] or 720-646-4331. Feedback is also helpful as the app continues to be updated.
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